Difficulties, stresses and griefSupport can aid the process of metabolizing life's challenges!
What is Bowenwork?Bowenwork is a fascial therapy that uses light, targeted touch over specific spots (mechanoreceptors) on the body, to communicate with the nervous system. These receptors tell the body to reallocate resources in the most efficient manner. Consider the analogy of a computer system reboot. The programs realign and reorder in such a way that the computer can operate most efficiently. The human body is a kind of bio-computer. Bowenwork stimulates a "reboot" for the body (i.e. respiratory, digestive, lymphatic, circulatory, endocrine, & elimination).
These metabolic programs underperform during chronic and acute illness. Bowenwork reboots the human or "bio" computer, (via nervous system) and a global realignment of resources comes back on line restoring balance and efficiency of function. Deeper healing results. Fascial Health = Your Blueprint for Healing |
Bowenwork: gentle & scalable...
Infant to elderly... All fitness levels. Bowenwork & Immune Support Lisa Toole, P.B.P./A. I./SP-2
Bowenwork4Health with Lisa Office: 603-591-0658 Email: [email protected] |
Adult/Elder Care
Mom/Baby Care
Trauma Care